Please take a moment and consider helping us further our mission at Bethany Village. When we give to charitable causes, we enrich not only our own lives, but those touched by our generosity as well. While planned gifts help for the future, gifts today help with daily operations and provide additional support to our residents who are unable to pay fully for the care and support they need.
There are many ways you can make an enormous difference in the lives of our residents, family members, and the people of the Smoky Valley Community. We are thankful for your support through community actions, volunteer services, and financial gifts.
Here are just a few ways you can help:
Instructions: To make an unrestricted donation to be used as Bethany Village finds necessary, please complete this form and click Submit. You will be auto-directed to a secure PayPal gateway where you may designate your donation amount and pay with either:
1) Your credit card OR
2) Your PayPal account
Instructions:To make a memorial donation to honor a loved one, please complete this form with the name of the individual you wish to honor and click Submit. You will be auto-directed to a secure PayPal gateway where you may designate your donation amount and pay with either:
1) Your credit card OR
2) Your PayPal account
Instructions: If you wish to make a donation to Bethany Village and specify how you wish the funds to be used, please complete this form with the donation designation directions and click Submit. You will be auto-directed to a secure PayPal gateway where you may designate your donation amount and pay with either:
1) Your credit card OR
2) Your PayPal account
Financial Support
Bethany Village accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s benefits and private insurances. However, often, the reimbursement received from insurance and/or Medicaid does not cover the rising cost of care, supplies, equipment, and/or medications that an individual needs to thrive. Additional income helps cover the costs of unreimbursed medical and transportation expenses, operating expenses, and allows us to provide additional activities, services, and benefits to the residents of Bethany Home.
Your financial donation can be designated for a specific use or department (restricted) or be given as an unrestricted gift that will be utilized where it is most needed at the time. Unrestricted contributions allow Bethany Village the maximum flexibility in meeting the needs of our community. However, if you have a specific health care interest, you can designate your gift to benefit a certain department or program. Please contact us to learn more about specific programs.
Legacy Giving & Planned Gifts
Many people choose to include their charitable interests in their long-range estate planning. There are a number of ways to preserve your financial security while also providing charitable gifts.
Bethany Village can accept gifts through wills or bequests, life insurance benefits, charitable trusts and/or in-kind donations.
Endowed Funds
Bethany Village has endowment accounts with the Smoky Valley Community Foundation, the Greater Salina Community Foundation and the McPherson County Community Foundation. You may contact Bethany Village or the community foundations for more information on specific endowments or foundations.
If you have questions about estate planning, consult your attorney, accountant, or financial planner. Consult with your financial advisor or estate planner to determine the best way to build an estate plan that fits your unique needs and wishes.
In-Kind Donations
Contact us to see what our needs are and if your gift will can fill a need at Bethany Village. Examples may include household items, furniture, televisions, and etc.
Bethany Village hosts a handful of fundraising events including an annual gala, ice cream social and special events. Contact us if you would like to know more about our fundraisers.
If you are interested in hosting a special event, garage sale, bake sale or collecting a special offering at your church that can be given to Bethany Village, we would love to work with you. Please contact us if you would like a representative to visit with you, speak at your church, civic meeting or gathering.
If you’ve ever visited Bethany Village, you know we are a very busy place! If you would like to volunteer your time to help with activities, special events, or visiting with the residents, let us know! We welcome all sorts of talents for entertainment, education, or sharing as well.
For all giving questions please contact
Jennifer Cantrell, Marketing & Advancement Director
785-227-2334 ext. 142
Bethany Village
321 N. Chestnut
Lindsborg, KS 67456